Trump upended decades of U.S. policy when he said he wouldA recognize Jerusalem as Israel'sA capital... READ MORE›
Trump also plans to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv... READ MORE›
A sustained cessation of North Korea's threatening behavior must occur before talks can begin, Mr. Tillerson said at a United Nations Security Council meeting... READ MORE›
Ambassador Amr Aboulatta said the U.S. decision would have a grave, negative impact on the peace process... READ MORE›
The United Nations Security Council will meet on Friday at the request of eight states out of the 15 members... READ MORE›
Russia is wasting our time, US Ambassador Nikki Haley told the council after the vote... READ MORE›
Russia is wasting our time, US Ambassador Nikki Haley told the council after the vote... READ MORE›
The Security Council announced that Mr. Guterres, a former Portuguese prime minister and former chief of the United Nations refugee agency, had strong support... READ MORE›
Being the only non-western member of the UN Security Council besides Russia, China has been taking Moscow's side on heated and highly debatable issues... READ MORE›
The United Nations is urging countries worldwide to grant asylum to 130,000 Syrians in the coming year... READ MORE›
Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations appointed by Trump, said in a statement on Thursday that in many areas, the U.N... READ MORE›
MALAKAL South Sudan In places where the fighting is fiercest no one is even attempting to count the dead... READ MORE›
At least two senior Democrats have joined the Republican leadership in complaining that the Security Council action expected Monday morning would pre-empt the congressional debate... READ MORE›
Vitaly was a master of diplomacy, said Francois Delattre, France's envoy to the United Nations... READ MORE›
Standing before the General Assembly in his first speech here Francis endorsed United Nations efforts to reach a global compact to fight poverty and climate change... READ MORE›
An unnamed activist with the Syrian rebel group the Free Syrian Army told The Times The Russians have been there a long time... READ MORE›
On Friday, the United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, announced a summit meeting designed to draw pledges from countries to resettle Syrians... READ MORE›
Khamenei said referring to the United States and its five negotiating partners... READ MORE›
Isis United Nations Security Council resolution planned by world powers to declare war against group in Iraq and Syria... READ MORE›
On Monday the Ukrainian delegation pointedly left the hall when Russian President Vladimir Putin started speaking... READ MORE›
The United Nations Security Council has condemned the latest missile launch by Pyongyang and urged a peaceful solution to the crisis on the Korean Peninsula... READ MORE›
In releasing the report, United Nations officials celebrated meeting some of the goals... READ MORE›
Kerry's 16th consecutive day at the talks, and after convening the rest of the United States negotiating team, he met with Mr... READ MORE›
We need some solidarity unity of purpose particularly among the permanent members of the security council he said in an interview... READ MORE›
We need good information, Dr. Margaret Chan, director general of the World Health Organization, said at an event to announce the new partnership... READ MORE›
Britain, Russia and the United States had sought to come to a consensus on the text in recent days... READ MORE›
An Israeli official on Friday suggested that the Obama administration helped orchestrate the resolution... READ MORE›
As the United Nations maintains nine peacekeeping operations in Africa, employing over 100,000 people on the continent, the abuses threaten to erode the organization's legitimacy... READ MORE›
The changes will be applied to the so-called visa waiver program that the United States has with 38 countries... READ MORE›
To aid refugees fleeing the Central African Republic, for instance, he has to dip into a pot of United Nations money not earmarked for specific crises... READ MORE›
For 12 years, great powers have tried to prevent an Iranian nuclear program, Mr. Zarif said... READ MORE›
As the leader of Iran's Quds force, he oversaw the training and equipping of Iraqi Shiite militias that attacked United States troops during the American occupation... READ MORE›
China is resolutely opposed to the DPRK's nuclear tests, Geng Shuang told a regular news briefing in Beijing... READ MORE›
The new goals follow and expand on an earlier list, the Millennium Development Goals, adopted by the United Nations in 2000... READ MORE›
70 achievements, 70 years a visual guide to what the UN has done... READ MORE›
The draft resolution is under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, though it does not authorize the use of military force... READ MORE›
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