Passed in June 2017, the Kansas legislation requires all state contractors to declare in writing that they do not support a boycott of Israel... READ MORE›
Critics were disappointed in how L'Oreal and Khan handled the backlash following the anti-Israel tweets... READ MORE›
The Palestinian leadership has said it is recalling its envoy to the United States following Washington's controversial recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital... READ MORE›
People in Aida refugee camp in occupied West Bank are frequently exposed to massive amounts of Israeli tear gas... READ MORE›
How then, does every layperson 'know' with heartfelt surety that Israel's 'occupation' is illegal under international law?... READ MORE›
However we do recognise the sensitivities many people have about the Balfour Declaration and will mark the anniversary accordingly... READ MORE›
Palestine Expo bills itself as a celebration of Palestinian culture, history, and food, and is expected to draw more than 10,000 people on Saturday and Sunday... READ MORE›
The Balfour Declaration paved the way for the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 and for the ethnic cleansing that accompanied it... READ MORE›
Palestine Expo 2017 bills itself as a celebration of Palestinian history, culture, food, and entertainment, and an FOA spokesperson said preparations for the event would continue regardless... READ MORE›
Many enjoyed financial or strategic support from the Israeli embassy in London via Shai Masot, a senior policial officer at the embassy... READ MORE›
Instigated by the Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini who allied himself with Adolf Hitler and the Nazis during World War II... READ MORE›
Local Arab media at the time published inflammatory articles raging against the rights of Jews to pray at the site of the Western Wall in Jerusalem... READ MORE›
The Palestinian Authority exercises limited self-rule in some areas of the West Bank, but Israel controls the borders and entry points to the territory... READ MORE›
A year after the war, Gaza grieves for its child casualties... READ MORE›
There were no reports of injuries but the Israeli military said the structure was seriously damaged... READ MORE›
Of the death toll of 2,252 Palestinians, the report said 65 percent were civilians Israel says it has documented militant activity by at least 44 percent of the dead... READ MORE›
The city cited a Texas law that prohibits state agencies from contracting companies that boycott Israel... READ MORE›
In East Jerusalem, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is most personal and most profound... READ MORE›
The Israel Group has recently criticised California public school districts for hosting Palestine-focused educational seminars, including in Orange County and Los Angeles County... READ MORE›
More than 30 Palestinians have been killed, mostly in clashes with Israeli security forces in the West Bank and along the fence separating Israel and Gaza... READ MORE›
As the Palestinians rushed toward the barrier separating Gaza from Israel, he said, the whole area suddenly turned into a real confrontation... READ MORE›
The comments by Mohammed Bakr came as new questions emerged over both the scope and the accuracy of the findings of the Israeli military police inquiry... READ MORE›
But Tony Laurance, the chief executive of the UK-based Medical Aid for Palestine, voiced extreme concern about Dr Gilbert's exclusion from the Gaza Strip... READ MORE›
President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority is scheduled to address the United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday... READ MORE›
Thursday's killings came hours after Israel and the Palestinian Authority signed a long-awaited agreement granting Palestinian cellphone carriers 3G high-speed cellular services in the West Bank... READ MORE›
Sinai Province, a group affiliated with Islamic State, says it fired three rockets into Israel from Egypt's Sinai peninsula... READ MORE›
Bangkok post israel escapes war crimes charges over deadly gaza flotilla raid 27 mins ago... READ MORE›
Call comes just days after Human Rights Watch asked FIFA to ban Israeli teams from playing in the occupied West Bank... READ MORE›
More than 400,000 Palestinians have been displaced since the 50-day summer conflict with Israel ended in August... READ MORE›
GAZA CITY WHEN Mohammed Sawiri was rich he bought his lover a cellphone so they could secretly text... READ MORE›
We must all work to ensure Palestinian boys and girls, and all children everywhere, receive a quality education in a safe environment... READ MORE›
Islamic State's Egyptian affiliate Sinai Province claimed responsibility and said that it had attacked more than 15 security sites and carried out three suicide bombings... READ MORE›
And now, amid the surge of violence in East Jerusalem, the West Bank and scattered Israeli cities, Palestinian forces appear to have recalibrated their approach... READ MORE›
Some districts of East Jerusalem have seen nightly clashes between Palestinians and Israeli security forces since the Gaza conflict last summer... READ MORE›
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