Immigration Minister James Brokenshire said it was too narrowly focused... READ MORE›
An outdated European Union has been found out and rejected emphatically by young Greeks in the 21st century... READ MORE›
And it is an example of how the European Union is not just a threat to national democracy, but national security as well... READ MORE›
Real Conditions Of Greece Staying In The Eurozone Revealed!... READ MORE›
If you elect me as Prime Minister in May, I will negotiate to reform the European Union, and Britain's relationship with it... READ MORE›
Only two people were allowed into Ceuta to be taken to hospital while the rest were returned to Morocco, the Spanish government said in a statement... READ MORE›
Nearly 14 million people were newly displaced in 2014 according to the annual report by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees... READ MORE›
By contrast the Greek leader Alexis Tsipras announced on Friday that he wants to hold a referendum in Greece on the eurozone crisis on July 5... READ MORE›
But Prime Minister David Cameron has said this would mean ministers were barred from speaking about European court decisions and the EU budget... READ MORE›
Hundreds of sub-Saharan Africans living illegally in Morocco try to enter Ceuta and Melilla, Spain's other North African enclave each year, hoping to get to Europe... READ MORE›
The mess over Greece has hardly helped the reputation of the European Union inside Britain, but it may also help Mr... READ MORE›
The resounding victory for the no vote in Greece's referendum has left European leaders like Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany with a stark and clear choice... READ MORE›
According to Peter Kreko, an analyst at Budapest think-tank Political Capital, even western European far-right parties such as France's Front National would reject such a campaign... READ MORE›
Sources claim Angela Merkel said David Cameron's demands for freedom of movement changes represented a 'point of no return'... READ MORE›
It has also been claimed that Mr Cameron will now attempt to appease the Germans by abandoning any plans to reform freedom of movement rules... READ MORE›
Police have detained two Moroccans who tried to smuggle migrants into Spain's North African enclave of Ceuta... READ MORE›
David Cameron is to set out his EU renegotiation aims at a meeting of European leaders in Brussels later... READ MORE›
Shocked tourists witness hundreds of migrants seeking to stow away in a uk-bound truck in calais as cross-border migrant row worsens between france and italy... READ MORE›
The effort of traditional political parties to attract alienated and angry voters has shifted the discourse... READ MORE›
In the EU, the majority is supposed to win, and they are supposed to support the European Union... READ MORE›
A photograph of him then shows Mr. Khazzani with a beard, rather than being cleanshaven as in a police image from his arrests in Madrid... READ MORE›
More than 50,000 migrants have arrived in Italy alone this year, according to Frontex, the European Union agency that helps protect the bloc's borders... READ MORE›
Fourteen Isil suspects were arrested in Spain and Morocco after a joint operation between the two countries' security forces, Spain's interior ministry said on Tuesday... READ MORE›
To remain a member of the European Union, or leave the European Union?... READ MORE›
Human rights groups and the European Union have strongly criticized Spain for violations of both Spanish and international law, including beatings of migrants and summary expulsions with no due process... READ MORE›
The Greek prime minister and his Syriza party have been accused of capitulating to austerity demands that were rejected in a referendum just a week before... READ MORE›
A defiant Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has urged Greeks to reject an international bailout deal, wrecking any prospect of repairing broken relations with European Union partners... READ MORE›
A committee of the European Parliament in Strasbourg wants the EU to launch a campaign to highlight the equal division of domestic work ... READ MORE›
The main objectives include communicating and promoting EU policies and values, supporting independent media and increasing awareness of disinformation activities by external actors ... READ MORE›
A 6.1 magnitude earthquake has been recorded in the Mediterranean Sea, 100 miles south-east of Malaga, Spain... READ MORE›
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