Communique after four-day plenum confirms decision on expulsion of four former high-flyers party also vows to tackle corruption in promotions system... READ MORE›
Former party boss of China's Guangzhou jailed for life for graft - Asia Times... READ MORE›
I think it is dangerous to transfer the Berlin result to the federal level, he told broadcaster ZDF... READ MORE›
'The beginning of the end' National AfD leader Frauke Petry celebrated a blow to Angela Merkel... READ MORE›
Chancellor Merkel's party suffers loss in home state over migrant policy... READ MORE›
Canada seeks to double visa offices in China to attract more high-skilled workers... READ MORE›
A car bomb attack on a military convoy in south-eastern Turkey has killed two soldiers and injured four others Turkish officials say... READ MORE›
Thuringia was part of East Germany until reunification, and many have expressed dismay at the former communists' return to power... READ MORE›
With AfD establishing itself in state parliaments, the populist party is unlikely to remain a temporary phenomenon as Merkel had claimed in an interview last week... READ MORE›
Liberal party gathering momentum as it hopes campaign message of change trumps Conservatives at end of longest election in countrya??s recent history... READ MORE›
Ebola outbreak tony abbott says australia will not send health workers into harm's way to combat the deadly disease in west africa... READ MORE›
Turkish nationalists demonstrate against the Kurdish Workers Party PKK in Istanbul on Sept... READ MORE›
On Thursday China announced that owning golf club memberships is officially banned for all 88 million members of the Communist Party... READ MORE›
On Monday, Gong Jiansheng, a Tianjin propaganda official, said 70 people were still missing, of whom 64 were firefighters... READ MORE›
We have bid farewell to the Cultural Revolution, it added... READ MORE›
On average, Ulrich wrote, two-thirds have voted for parties who support Angela Merkel's relatively liberal refugee policy or stood for an even more liberal course ... READ MORE›
China's leader, Xi Jinping, consolidates power with crackdowns on corruption, Internet To fight corruption, China officially bans golf for party cadres... READ MORE›
October's federal election saw the party drop to third-place status... READ MORE›
The outgoing prime minister most likely will return to Ottawa soon to prepare for a formal handover of power to Trudeau in a few weeks... READ MORE›
The three-year-old Alternative for Germany, or AfD -- which has campaigned against Merkel's open-borders approach -- easily entered all three legislatures... READ MORE›
Jiang's sign was at the front of that axis, he added, in rare comments on a subject state media is generally banned from openly discussing... READ MORE›
"We really need to take him very seriously." Scholars are divided, however, on whether the successes of Xi's campaign outweigh the actual and potential costs... READ MORE›
Mr Loughnane intends returning to the business sector and being a grassroots member of the Liberal Party... READ MORE›
After meeting with Angela Merkel and other European leaders in Berlin, Barack Obama ended his last visit to Europe as US President... READ MORE›
President Barack Obama cautioned against dire predictions for Donald Trump's presidency Monday, saying his Republican successor faces a reality check if he... READ MORE›
Trump and Clinton were neck and neck in Florida, a big prize and one sorely needed by the Republican... READ MORE›
Voters stand near a voting sign before casting ballots during early voting at the Franklin County Board of Elections in Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 28, 2016... READ MORE›
That was not the case for Mr Trump, a businessman from New York, Mr Obama said... READ MORE›
Our debt to you is eternal, Trump told a gathering of the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Charlotte, North Carolina... READ MORE›
In London, likely candidates to succeed Cameron, including Brexit campaigner and former London mayor Boris Johnson, began sounding out support over the weekend... READ MORE›
So the responsibility for it lies with President Barack Obama and his failed policies, McCain said... READ MORE›
BORIS Johnson has defended his attack on the part-Kenyan President Barack Obama, saying he did not imply the US leader was anti-British... READ MORE›
In the United States, only 18 percent support the deal compared to 53 percent in 2014... READ MORE›
Barack Obama has revealed his frustration with aspects of Britain's foreign policy under David Cameron. What does it mean for the special relationship ?... READ MORE›
Both Florida and Ohio use the winner-take-all method to allocate Republican delegates, making the stakes in those states particularly high... READ MORE›
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