Tony Abbott doesn't claim to be an overnight convert to a supporter of same-sex marriage but he is looking forward to attending his sister Christine's wedding... READ MORE›
Former PM Tony Abbott has labelled Victoria's move to legalise assisted dying a 'dreadful moral watershed' as his father lay ill in a Sydney hospital... READ MORE›
As public criticism of the camps has increased, the Australian government has tried with little success to resettle asylum seekers in third countries... READ MORE›
Australia's insistence on locking itself into fossil fuels while distancing itself from ambitious efforts to combat climate change has not gone unnoticed overseas... READ MORE›
Australia ready to take more refugees from syria tony abbott says... READ MORE›
Related Stories Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has urged an end to disunity after surviving a party confidence vote on his leadership... READ MORE›
Nigeria elections no delay to poll says council of state... READ MORE›
Tensions with Russia over Ukraine will also draw attention, while campaigners want climate change on the agenda... READ MORE›
The problem is, neither he nor the prime minister has managed to explain that satisfactorily to voters... READ MORE›
Migrants from the boat gave that account to workers for a United Nations refugee agency in Indonesia a United Nations official said Friday... READ MORE›
Oliver brought Mr Abbott to the attention of US audiences in June 2014, highlighting his gaffes in a segment on the American satire show Last Week Tonight... READ MORE›
SYDNEY, Australia -- Tony Abbott will remain Australia's prime minister, fighting off a challenge to his position on Monday by lawmakers from his conservative Liberal Party... READ MORE›
Labor replaced its own leader twice, removing Prime Minister Kevin Rudd in his first term and replacing him with Julia Gillard before returning to Mr... READ MORE›
Government defends renewable energy target after Tony Abbott's renewed criticism... READ MORE›
But in three encounters with the Russian president in six days the Australian prime minister largely seems to have missed his chance... READ MORE›
Tony Abbott has denied his office had any knowledge of the cancelled Australian Border Force operation in Melbourne... READ MORE›
Australia and New Zealand are the economic powerhouses among the 16 nations making up the Pacific Islands Forum... READ MORE›
Indonesian and Australian authorities work together in areas such as counter-terrorism, border security, defence and legal framework development... READ MORE›
They haven't spoken to marine scientists, despite our best efforts... READ MORE›
Tony Abbott resigned as Prime Minister on Tuesday after losing a party room ballot to Malcolm Turnbull who challenged him for the leadership on Monday... READ MORE›
Labor's finance spokesman, Tony Burke, and the education minister, Christopher Pyne, have also faced questions in the past week about the use of family traveller flights... READ MORE›
Senior federal government ministers have been caught up in the crossfire of a political stoush between Malcolm Turnbull and Tony Abbott over gun laws... READ MORE›
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has struggled through a tense interview with 7.30 host Leigh Sales, and social media has declared him the loser of the battle... READ MORE›
Decision to dump Australia's carbon pricing scheme in favour of his Direct Action plan ran against the tide of international efforts to reduce emissions... READ MORE›
Abbott ousted Turnbull as leader of the Liberal Party in 2009, though Turnbull has consistently been seen as a preferred prime minister... READ MORE›
Tony Abbott has denied his office had any knowledge of the cancelled Australian Border Force operation in Melbourne... READ MORE›
To be fair, anyone who thought Tony Abbott would go quietly would have to be a pretty gullible type... READ MORE›
Indonesian and Australian authorities work together in areas such as counter-terrorism, border security, defence and legal framework development... READ MORE›
In the quest for higher growth at the lowest political cost, governments from Washington to Tokyo have abdicated their responsibility to unelected central bankers... READ MORE›
More than 1,000 people attended a separate memorial service for 38-year-old Dawson at her alma mater, Sydney University... READ MORE›
Mr Abbott also suggested that the Prime Minister should live at Kirribilli House instead of his own home at Point Piper... READ MORE›
Tony Abbott head desk photo After his latest gaffe, this picture sums up the world's reaction to the Australian Prime Minister... READ MORE›
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