The photos were taken at a Gap shop in Canada's Niagara region, China's state-owned Global Times said... READ MORE›
The offending T-shirt showed a map of China without including Taiwan, the self-ruled island that Beijing says is an integral part of the country... READ MORE›
We've learned that a Gap brand T-shirt sold in some overseas markets failed to reflect the correct map of China... READ MORE›
China to deliver world's largest amphibious aircraft by 2022 Xinhua... READ MORE›
China's first domestically developed aircraft carrier departs Dalian, Liaoning province, China May 13, 2018... READ MORE›
China lays claim to almost all of the resource-rich South China Sea, through which about US 5 trillion worth of trade passes each year... READ MORE›
China 'crosses threshold' with missiles at south china sea outposts... READ MORE›
Castro also called for closer U.S.-Japan coordination in ensuring maritime security in the South and East China seas... READ MORE›
Whether or not China has such a plan is guesswork, but it would seem that their R D efforts are taking it in this direction... READ MORE›
The United States also objected to the deployment of antiaircraft and anti-ship missiles on islands that China claims in the South China Sea... READ MORE›
White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders told a news briefing Thursday that Washington was well aware of China's increased military presence in the South China Sea... READ MORE›
China is one of only three countries in the world undertaking research into gas hydrate extraction, the other two being the United States and Japan... READ MORE›
Meanwhile, the White House responded to reports of renewed Chinese activity in the South China Sea... READ MORE›
We're well aware of China's militarization of the South China Sea, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders told reporters Thursday during a press briefing... READ MORE›
These are things that if China dominates the world, it's bad for America, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer recently told a Senate committee... READ MORE›
Beijing China has deployed a defensive missile system on the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea, the Chinese foreign ministry has confirmed... READ MORE›
China 'deploys missiles' in South China Sea for the first time, US warns of consequences... READ MORE›
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan meets with South Korean President Moon Jae-in in Seoul on Wednesday... READ MORE›
London The world often reveres Britain and looks to the United Kingdom to lead, British Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson says... READ MORE›
So, in view of the threat by China to conduct overflights of Taiwan, is that merely talk?... READ MORE›
China's Deep Sea Warrior concludes its mission in the deep... READ MORE›
Beijing considers Taiwan a renegade province it will eventually reincorporate into China, having separated from it in 1949 during the Chinese civil war... READ MORE›
Over the past year or so, China has ramped up military drills around democratic Taiwan, including flying bombers and other military aircraft around the island... READ MORE›
Taiwan Strait and South China Sea have never seen so many drills and war games within the short span of less than a month... READ MORE›
The concepts are part of Mattis' military reform efforts that seek to produce more lethal and agile global forces... READ MORE›
We could not count the Weapons of Mass Destruction interdiction at sea aimed at North Korea as a naval blockade, said Koh... READ MORE›
The United States has conducted freedom of navigation patrols through the South China Sea, stoking tension with China which says it will protect its sovereignty... READ MORE›
Group of Seven foreign ministers pledged Monday to maintain maximum pressure on North Korea to compel it to give up its nuclear and missile programs, det... READ MORE›
On April 15 China's naval vessels encountered Australian naval ships in the South China Sea... READ MORE›
Today, Tasnim, Iran's semi-official news agency, reported more than two dozen new arrests in the capital, where people were charged with disturbing public security... READ MORE›
Since then, Chinese and Vietnamese troops have skirmished over ownership of islets in the South China Sea... READ MORE›
The US State Department official said China's actions to militarize the South China Sea threatened to undermine regional stability... READ MORE›
When it comes to Beijing, they argue, European leaders appear to too willing to overlook China's authoritarian ambitions... READ MORE›
South China Sea China accuses US warship of 'violating its sovereignty'... READ MORE›
The aircraft carrier Liaoning in the maritime parade conducted by the Chinese PLA Navy in the South China Sea on April 12... READ MORE›
Xi Jinping's China shows off force in South China Sea... READ MORE›
In 2016, an international tribunal ruled that China's expansive maritime claims had no legal basis... READ MORE›
The first is that they aren't Free Trade Agreements at all... READ MORE›
The United States has criticized China for constructing islands and military installations in the region, saying they could be used to restrict free nautical movement... READ MORE›
Mr Turnbull said Australia asserted its right to freedom of navigation throughout the world's oceans, including the South China Sea... READ MORE›
Chinese President Xi Jinping has overseen what is being labelled as the country's largest naval military drill in the contested South China Sea... READ MORE›
China says US warship violated its South China Sea sovereignty... READ MORE›
Updated February 26, 2018 12 29 14 Deep in the South China Sea the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, USS Carl Vinson, has a point to make... READ MORE›
Political scientist Joseph Nye saw this future more than a decade ago when he published The Paradox of American Power... READ MORE›
Chinese Navy assembles virtually all its modern warships and nuclear subs for a big show of force in the South China Sea... READ MORE›
They are helping us a lot in North Korea, Trump said... READ MORE›
China's national defense budget for 2018 will be over 1.1 trillion yuan US 175 billion, up 8.1 percent, according to a filing by the Chinese Ministry of Finance... READ MORE›
Russian Foreign Minister - Sergey Lavrov I do not agree that the American presence in international affairs is shrinking... READ MORE›
China 'warns off' us destroyer in south china sea... READ MORE›
It did not say when the exercises took place nor specify the parts of the South China Sea or the Western Pacific... READ MORE›
The biennial, eight-day exercise codenamed 'Milan' is being organized on the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the eastern Indian Ocean from March 6... READ MORE›
The takeover of Aecon by a Chinese firm has been held up while the federal government conducts a national security review... READ MORE›
Some analysts outside China said they worried that allowing Mr. Xi one-man rule might worsen an increasingly tense relationship between the United States and China... READ MORE›
Trump should not ignore Xi's power grab in China... READ MORE›
US warship triggers fury in Beijing after sailing near to disputed South China Sea islands... READ MORE›
Schools, newspapers, television, the internet, billboards and banners all trumpet the ideas of Mr. Xi, the country's president and Communist Party leader... READ MORE›
The live-fire drills in the Taiwan Strait come as China and the United States are at odds over the self-governing island, which Beijing considers its territory... READ MORE›
North Korea and Iran were listed as rogue regimes that the United States would work to deter... READ MORE›
The Chinese Navy is testing new drones capable of synchronized operations with military aircraft... READ MORE›
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