Fligh is the musical equivalent of a supermarkets premium range convenience food A theatre royal glasgow, review... READ MORE›
LONDON--U.S. President Donald Trump has cancelled a trip to London to open the new 1 billion U.S. Embassy, avoiding protests promised by political opponents... READ MORE›
Even before the voting was over, some European leaders began trying to contain the potential damage... READ MORE›
An outdated European Union has been found out and rejected emphatically by young Greeks in the 21st century... READ MORE›
And it is an example of how the European Union is not just a threat to national democracy, but national security as well... READ MORE›
The development came as Greece's European creditors each rejected an 11th-hour attempt by Athens to extend the country's international bailout program... READ MORE›
Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, who called for the referendum, has veered between bitter confrontation with the country's creditors and conciliatory outreach... READ MORE›
Stock markets in Europe and Asia have seen big falls after Greece closed its banks and imposed capital controls... READ MORE›
Greece's finance minister who often clashed with creditors has resigned... READ MORE›
Greece's creditors -- the other 18 eurozone countries, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund -- in effect cut off negotiations with Mr... READ MORE›
Nearly 14 million people were newly displaced in 2014 according to the annual report by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees... READ MORE›
By contrast the Greek leader Alexis Tsipras announced on Friday that he wants to hold a referendum in Greece on the eurozone crisis on July 5... READ MORE›
But Prime Minister David Cameron has said this would mean ministers were barred from speaking about European court decisions and the EU budget... READ MORE›
Notably, Mr Dombrovskis said that Greece's place is, and remains, in Europe - not, the eurozone... READ MORE›
For the banks to be recapitalised, Greece would need access to the eurozone's permanent bailout fund, the European Stability Mechanism ESM ... READ MORE›
Tsipras for a no vote would unleash forces that would see Greece cast out of the European Union altogether, with disastrous results... READ MORE›
Berlin suspected the EU Commission the executive body running the EU was willing to give too much ground to Greece to hold the euro zone together... READ MORE›
Thom Feeney 29 launched the campaign to raise the money calling on all Europeans to chip in a few euro and end the standoff... READ MORE›
Others argue that the prime minister, like others in Syriza, are actually trying to steer Greece out of the eurozone... READ MORE›
Yet the infusion of cash from the European Central Bank that is desperately needed to resuscitate the Greek banking system and jump-start the economy is missing... READ MORE›
The mess over Greece has hardly helped the reputation of the European Union inside Britain, but it may also help Mr... READ MORE›
Panagiotidou said some Greeks already felt as if they were living in a third-world country... READ MORE›
Lenders' proposals Key sticking points Source European Commission document, 26 Jun 15 pdf Are you in Greece?... READ MORE›
It is a tale of modern European democracy and where it goes from here... READ MORE›
Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras may have won a victory at home on Sunday as the Greek people dealt a resounding no to European austerity policies... READ MORE›
The United Kingdom's debt currently accounts for 89.4 of its GDP ninth highest in the EU... READ MORE›
Rival camps in Greece are set to hold major rallies in Athens ahead of Sunday's crucial referendum on an international bailout terms... READ MORE›
Eurozone chiefs rule out any further bailout talks with Greece until after the country's referendum on Sunday, despite a new approach from Athens... READ MORE›
But if they stand firm, Greece may be forced to leave the eurozone and replace the euro with its greatly devalued former currency, the drachma... READ MORE›
Tsipras and Syriza, saying he felt betrayed and pointing out that negotiations in the European Union are not a game of liar's poker... READ MORE›
The West played a large role in the creation of Islamist extremism and terrorism, former London mayor Ken Livingstone, told RT... READ MORE›
The european union is facing its worst crisis since the formation of the euro after greece voted decisively against the terms of a eurozone bailout deal... READ MORE›
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