On July 17, another Malaysia Airlines flight, also a Boeing 777, was shot down over rebel-controlled eastern Ukraine while on a flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur... READ MORE›
The shopping and online games company is staking out a spot as competition in Southeast Asian e-commerce intensifies, particularly in the largely untapped market of Indonesia... READ MORE›
Mystery still surrounds Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which disappeared March 8 without a trace en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 people aboard... READ MORE›
Similar footage was later picked up by other channels and broadcast around Indonesia and South-east Asia... READ MORE›
They are almost identical to the piranha you couldn't even tell from the outside he explained after the Scandinavian pacu sighting... READ MORE›
Splinter cells of Jemaah Islamiyah, the now crushed Southeast Asian terrorist group that was linked to Al Qaeda, have targeted the police in recent years... READ MORE›
Uber rival Grab to buy Indonesian online payment startup for over 100 million source... READ MORE›
I came to see Southeast Asia as a land of great people and bad governments, of remarkable graciousness but distressing levels of impunity... READ MORE›
While some affluent Chinese families fled to neighboring Singapore after the riots, Mr. Basuki's family stayed... READ MORE›
National Search and Rescue Director SB Supriyadi later told reporters in Pangkalan Bun that bodies had been brought onto an Indonesian ship... READ MORE›
About 187 million tonnes of plastic waste is dumped into the country's waters, placing Indonesia... READ MORE›
Singapore, Malaysia and Australia have also dispatched ships and planes to aid in the effort... READ MORE›
With three Sumatran rhinos in Malaysia and Harapan, there are only nine in captivity globally... READ MORE›
Jakarta attacks Isis claims responsibility for suicide bombings and shootings in Indonesian capital... READ MORE›
They had stumbled on a 27-year local man who contracted the disease despite having never travelled outside of Indonesia... READ MORE›
We want Indonesia to take action he was quoted as saying by the state news agency Bernama adding the smog was affecting the economy... READ MORE›
Many Indonesian airlines are banned from Europe because of safety concerns... READ MORE›
Well, I may just have to ask Indonesian President Joko Widodo in a most respectful and in very, very courteous way... READ MORE›
Police in Jakarta kill three allegedly planning a suicide attack over the Christmas and New Year period... READ MORE›
This group is actually very small...they have no dominant influence in politics, but because of the Jakarta local election, Anies supported them to attack Ahok... READ MORE›
Khalid said they were detained over three days from Tuesday in Kuala Lumpur and six other states... READ MORE›
Indonesia is an open economy Widodo told reporters in the Oval Office and with the 250 million population we are the largest economy in Southeast Asia... READ MORE›
More than 100 Indonesian villagers are feared to have died after a landslide triggered by torrential rain obliterated their rural community in Central Java... READ MORE›
The Jakarta police chief, Tito Karnavian, told reporters that the Islamic State was definitely behind the attack... READ MORE›
Clerics in Malaysia's northeastern state of Terengganu recently joined Indonesia in issuing a fatwa -- a religious edict -- against illegal hunting... READ MORE›
Authorities in Malaysia's capital have credible information about a planned terrorist attack amid concern about growing support for Islamic State among Muslim extremists across south-east Asia... READ MORE›
The passengers include 149 Indonesians, three South Koreans, one Singaporean, one Malaysian and one Briton, who has been named as energy firm director Chi Man Choi... READ MORE›
Islamic State terrorist plot uncovered in Indonesia police... READ MORE›
He said Naim's vision was to unite the now-splintered groups across Southeast Asia, including Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines, that support Islamic State... READ MORE›
But Professor Meijaard said he believes Indonesia's government has failed to recognise the seriousness of the problem... READ MORE›
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