Despite the fact that voters rejected same-sex marriage in a referendum, the Supreme Court of Bermuda ruled in May 2017 that same-sex couples could legally wed... READ MORE›
The decision by Governor John Rankin in the wealthy Atlantic island of 60,000 people represents a rare reversal of a trend among Western countries of legalizing same-sex marriage... READ MORE›
Bermuda repeals same-sex marriage critics slam civil rights rollback... READ MORE›
A quick look at the colouring reveals that, even in most of rural and regional Australia, a majority of voters support same-sex marriage... READ MORE›
The Australian people have voted in favour of legalising same-sex marriage in the government's voluntary postal survey, triggering Malcolm Turnbull's promise to change the Marriage Act... READ MORE›
Germany's president, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, signed marriage equality into law on Thursday, and the nation's first same-sex marriages are set to take place in October... READ MORE›
Last year the PM became the first sitting prime minister to attend Mardi Gras despite complaints from some right wing members of the Liberal backbench... READ MORE›
The federal government is expected to reveal details of its same-sex marriage plebiscite this week as church leaders say they were promised campaign funding... READ MORE›
Rick Scarborough a Baptist pastor and Christian political activist has said he would be willing to be burned to death in his fight against gay rights... READ MORE›
Same-sex marriage Liberal MP Andrew Wallace 'shocked' by daughter's gay relationship... READ MORE›
Catholic Archbishop of Sydney Anthony Fisher said he was deeply disappointed that the likely result will be legislation to further deconstruct marriage and family in Australia ... READ MORE›
Germany has legalised same-sex marriage despite their Chancellor Angela Merkel voting against it... READ MORE›
The ad is the latest in the Coalition for Marriage's campaign to provoke controversy in the lead-up to the postal survey result... READ MORE›
German Chancellor insists 'marriage' is only for a man and a woman Angela Merkel has insisted that marriage should only be between a man and woman... READ MORE›
According to Ms Vuga Islamic immigration is distracting politicians from dealing with the problems of the homeless, veterans and everyday Australians ... READ MORE›
Germany holds national elections in September, and legalizing same-sex marriage could benefit Merkel and those running for parliament... READ MORE›
Same-sex marriage Majority of No voters from Western Sydney... READ MORE›
The first couples to be affected will be gay couples who married legally abroad - whose unions will now automatically be recognised by the Irish state... READ MORE›
At least 10 Government MPs chose to abstain from Thursday's final conscience vote on same-sex marriage in the House of Representatives... READ MORE›
Same-sex marriage 'No' skywriting message appears above Melbourne... READ MORE›
German lawmakers have voted to legalize same-sex marriage in a snap vote only days after Chancellor Angela Merkel changed her longstanding position... READ MORE›
The federal government's proposed same-sex marriage plebiscite has been defeated in the Senate... READ MORE›
Rather, this ruling, like the abortion ruling, all but ensures America will not achieve broad social consensus on same-sex marriage... READ MORE›
Australians have taken to social media following the results of the same-sex marriage postal survey... READ MORE›
Bondi in 2014 had argued in court filings that recognizing same-sex marriages performed in other states would impose significant public harm to the people of Florida... READ MORE›
Australians have voted in favour of legalising same-sex marriage - with a majority 61.6 per cent of responses to the Yes vote and 38.4 per cent voting No... READ MORE›
And that, I'm told by all my married friends, gay and straight, is often the most important thing... READ MORE›
Same-sex marriage is permitted in Mexico City, as well as in several states including Coahuila, Quintana Roo, Jalisco, Nayarit, Chihuahua and Sonora... READ MORE›
It's not Pitcairn Islanders that were pushing for it, Ms Warren said... READ MORE›
If Saturday's referendum were to enforce the constitutional ban on same-sex marriage, it would be harder to overturn in the future, Amnesty added... READ MORE›
Gay-rights campaigners seized on the result, with the Marriage Equality campaign group saying Australia should quickly become the 25th nation to legalize same-sex unions... READ MORE›
At 10 00am AEDT we'll finally find out for sure how Australia feels about same-sex marriage... READ MORE›
On Tuesday, several bishops said they planned to go ahead with same-sex marriages regardless... READ MORE›
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