He said he contacted the Trump campaign because he didn't like that Leeds said that another passenger sat by while she was molested... READ MORE›
Knowing that how Nevadans vote could determine the outcome in this critical election, I have chosen to relate my experiences and views of Donald Trump... READ MORE›
At the University of Vermont, students found a Donald Trump campaign sign painted with a swastika three doors down from the campus Hillel... READ MORE›
Here is my answer to Donald Trump Because without saying a thing, all the world, all America, felt my pain... READ MORE›
Chris Collins, R-N.Y., became the first member of Congress to endorse candidate Donald Trump for president... READ MORE›
Donald Trump Jr's tweet comparing Skittles to refugees has caused a furore on social media... READ MORE›
Getting in one more not-so-veiled dig at Republican Donald Trump before Tuesday's election, Pope Francis urged Americans to think about building bridges, not walls... READ MORE›
Unflattering statues of naked donald trump pop up around us... READ MORE›
This tweet, from Donald Trump's son Donald Jr., makes a good point... READ MORE›
I first encountered Donald Trump during the Republican Party primary debates... READ MORE›
Warren 'Nasty women' to 'cast our nasty votes' against Trump... READ MORE›
Remember this, it's a rigged election because you have phony people coming up with phony allegations with no witnesses whatsoever, Trump said... READ MORE›
Mr. Trump has questioned the value of NATO, the bedrock Western military alliance between Europe and the United States... READ MORE›
But the prospect of covering President-elect Trump, the capricious conundrum, has energized newsrooms in ways they hadn't anticipated... READ MORE›
Athletes, they make them take a drug test, he told a raucous crowd in Portsmouth, NH, on Saturday... READ MORE›
On Wednesday, Mr. Putin seemed to return that sentiment, sensing his opportunity and saying he looked forward to restoring fully fledged relations with the United States... READ MORE›
WASHINGTON -- Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has repeatedly declared he's putting 100 million of his own money into his White House bid... READ MORE›
Even if he loses, Donald Trump isn't going away... READ MORE›
Turns out that Donald Trump had a point about his debate microphone... READ MORE›
Donald Trump's appearance on Monday in Estero, Fla., got eclipsed by comments made by his son, Donald Trump Jr., about Syrian refugees... READ MORE›
'weiner' the doc about the man who could bring down hillary clinton... READ MORE›
But big parts of that same base now rationalize their support of Donald Trump because he is such a good businessman... READ MORE›
You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the 'basket of deplorables,' Clinton said... READ MORE›
Assange's turn toward Trump has also exposed WikiLeaks to a large and previously untapped audience of conspiracy-minded, antigovernment types... READ MORE›
A mom tossed her son from the house because he voted for Donald Trump in an elementary school mock election... READ MORE›
It was not the first time the Trump campaign blamed technical difficulties for changes to its website... READ MORE›
WASHINGTON - Donald Trump unleashed a Sunday morning Twitter rant starting with an assault on Saturday Night Live... READ MORE›
Donald Trump has finally acknowledged from his own lips that President Obama was born in the United States... READ MORE›
In 2006, Trump won a ruling on his 58-story headquarters at Trump Tower in Midtown Manhattan... READ MORE›
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