I want to say that the possibility to approve the reform is very strong, Temer said... READ MORE›
Neither man is much welcomed by investors, who have been pushing Temer to enact the unpopular austerity reforms, especially cuts to the pension system... READ MORE›
It comes after after John McDonnell also refused to answer questions about figures on Labour's borrowing plans because MPs have iPads and advisers for that... READ MORE›
Former Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva gestures during a seminar on public education in Brasilia, Brazil October 9, 2017... READ MORE›
Nuffield Trust says official ?791m figure does not accurately reflect the scale of financial challenge facing NHS in England... READ MORE›
Libya's daily oil production before the 2011 uprising stood at 1.6 million barrels... READ MORE›
As the world focuses on the race for the White House, China unveiled three major decisions within three minutes of each other on Monday... READ MORE›
As Brazils credit rating is slashed to junk status, police say the countrys most popular politician may have benefited from kickbacks from the state oil company... READ MORE›
A judge in the capital, Brasilia, issued an injunction against the move, arguing that Ms. Rousseff may have violated the law in appointing Mr. da Silva... READ MORE›
Dallagnol said that Lula, because of his control of the machinery of the Workers' party and the Brazilian government, was the central figure in the scheme... READ MORE›
And investigators are looking into whether proceeds from the scheme were used to finance Mr. da Silva's and Ms. Rousseff's presidential campaigns... READ MORE›
Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was sentenced to nine years in prison but is expected to appeal... READ MORE›
A multiplier is the expected extra effect of a fiscal policy Spend 1, and you might get 1.60 of economic growth... READ MORE›
The Lula Institute put out a statement on Thursday saying "former President Lula never participated directly or indirectly in any illegality"... READ MORE›
Shadow chancellor calls on government to use autumn statement's 'fiscal headroom' to protect the elderly and the vulnerable... READ MORE›
The latest twist in the crisis underscores the tumult in Brazil over Mr. da Silva's nomination... READ MORE›
Hashtags in support of both Lula and Moro have been trending heavily in Brazil... READ MORE›
The plot to Brazil's political crisis has become so complicated that even makers of political drama 'House of Cards' joke they are now following events... READ MORE›
The pre-referendum terms have been made tougher, both through the quasi-automatic spending cuts and through the enforced sell-off of Greece's assets... READ MORE›
Workers' party supporters claim the Lava Jato investigation is politically biased and that most of those accused in other parties will not be held to justice... READ MORE›
Brazilians had known that Lula was under investigation, and police had recommended charges against him last month for allegedly accepting improper renovations to a seaside apartment... READ MORE›
Trump's tax cut proposal calls for wide-ranging changes in the tax code for both companies and individuals... READ MORE›
In October, Trump claimed his plan would unleash growth of 5 percent or 6 percent... READ MORE›
A former union organizer with a fourth-grade education, Lula rose to power as a voice for Brazil's disenfranchised poor... READ MORE›
Far from jolting the U.S. into a protectionist lurch, might President-elect Donald Trump unwittingly help buoy global trade next year?... READ MORE›
Lord Macpherson, the Treasury's permanent secretary from 2005 to 2016, has told The Sunday Telegraph that the money should be spent on other road and rail projects... READ MORE›
After all, they said, Greece was a eurozone member, not a developing country... READ MORE›
Big parts of the Brazil model, it turns out, were glued together with kickbacks, dirty money and lies... READ MORE›
Popular leftist leader Lula accuses political rivals of targeting him in court to push him off next year's ballot... READ MORE›
Brazil's Lula extends lead in 2018 vote despite graft conviction poll... READ MORE›
All that changes if housing associations are classified as public bodies... READ MORE›
Some experts are skeptical of plan to finance the 550 billion proposal with private money... READ MORE›
Congressman introduces articles of impeachment against donald trump... READ MORE›
Balls also sees no reason to aim ideologically, as Labour sees it for an overall surplus on the public finances... READ MORE›
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