Why are Saudi Arabia and its oil-rich neighbors doing so little for Syria's refugees?... READ MORE›
WATCHING the horrific images of Syrian refugees struggling toward safety or in the case of Aylan Kurdi 3 drowning on that journey I think of other refugees... READ MORE›
A number of Westerners, including several Americans, live at the camp and serve as trainers for the Latin American troops... READ MORE›
But some of the most affluent figures in the Middle East are blissfully unaware of the scorching heat, such as Saudia Arabia's King Salman... READ MORE›
Nor did he suggest a few realities that Saudi Arabia should be confronting without excuse... READ MORE›
They have conducted a smattering of strikes in Syria, but have reserved most of their firepower for Islamic State targets in Iraq... READ MORE›
BEIRUT Lebanon It seems that everyone wants something from Saudi Arabia... READ MORE›
French fighter jets launched a large scale raid in Syria, targeting ISIS in Raqqa just two days after the group claimed coordinated attacks in Paris... READ MORE›
Oil and gas rich nations in the region, particularly Saudi Arabia, have frequently tried to frustrate international climate change negotiations... READ MORE›
Captagon is a widely used stimulant throughout the Middle East, according to U.N... READ MORE›
Two weeks ago, the United Nations General Assembly unanimously passed a resolution aimed at thwarting and prosecuting antiquities vandals and smugglers... READ MORE›
The United States on Wednesday accused Iran of carrying out rocket tests near American warships and commercial traffic in the Strait of Hormuz last week... READ MORE›
Iran's participation in Syria talks is something United Nations mediators have sought for years -- and faced opposition from the White House for just as long... READ MORE›
Mr Trump made the demand on Twitter writing Has ... Saudi Arabia, taken any of the Syrian refugees?... READ MORE›
A year later Iranian security forces arrested two suspected spy pigeons near a nuclear facility... READ MORE›
Why are there tensions between iran and saudi arabia?... READ MORE›
The 9 11 attacks also strained ties with the United States, especially after it was determined that 15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia... READ MORE›
The rebels toppled the Yemeni government in February, forcing President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi to flee to Saudi Arabia... READ MORE›
Late last year, the administration moved three Yemeni prisoners to Kazakhstan... READ MORE›
Benjamin Hewlett, the commander of the air wing aboard the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt, which is in the Persian Gulf keeping an eye on Iran right now... READ MORE›
Until two weeks ago the idea that Saudi Arabia and Iran would sit at the same table was unthinkable... READ MORE›
Iran has accused Saudi Arabia of launching an air strike on its embassy in the Yemeni capital of Sana'a... READ MORE›
Switzerland's attorney general said on Friday there were serious indications that funds have been misappropriated from Malaysian state companies ... READ MORE›
Yemeksepeti which means food cart in Turkish is the country's first not to mention biggest online delivery site reports Business Insider... READ MORE›
The United States deported him to Saudi Arabia in 1999... READ MORE›
Sweden's feminist foreign policy is still in the making, Fredrik Wesslau, director of the Wider Europe Program at the European Council of Foreign Relations, explains... READ MORE›
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia -- Say the name Joshua Van Alstine in Saudi Arabia and the likely response is a blank stare... READ MORE›
The case has raised wider concerns about the treatment of domestic workers in Saudi Arabia... READ MORE›
A spokesman for the foreign ministry confirmed that Indian diplomats in Riyadh had lodged a formal complaint at the the Saudi foreign ministry... READ MORE›
But the attack also drew criticism from some Kuwaitis, who said the country's leaders should have been more pro-active in protecting Shiites... READ MORE›
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