The 4,700-square-kilometre 1,814-square-mile park is one of three straddling the borders of northern Benin and neighbouring Burkina Faso and Niger... READ MORE›
The 4,700-square-kilometre 1,814-square-mile park is one of three straddling the borders of northern Benin and neighbouring Burkina Faso and Niger... READ MORE›
The 4,700-square-kilometre 1,814-square-mile park is one of three straddling the borders of northern Benin and neighbouring Burkina Faso and Niger... READ MORE›
The 4,700-square-kilometre 1,814-square-mile park is one of three straddling the borders of northern Benin and neighbouring Burkina Faso and Niger... READ MORE›
5.5 billion dollars, this is the amount that seven of the eight Member States of the West African Monetary Union, UEMOA intend to raise on the... READ MORE›
Sudarsan Raghavan The Washington Post AGADEZ, Niger -- Aziz Dicko knew the risks -- or he thought he did... READ MORE›
Niger is at the forefront of migratory routes in the Sahel, particularly in the region of Agadez in the north... READ MORE›
African countries have to take the lead on rescuing migrants trapped in camps in Libya, French government spokesman Benjamin Griveaux said... READ MORE›
A plan for a voluntary evacuation of migrants in Libya government-controlled detention camps has been put at the heart of an emergency migration plan for Africa... READ MORE›
Mali has announced the postponement of regional elections scheduled for December to April, amid security concerns following attacks by armed groups... READ MORE›
At least 18 people have been killed in an attack by suspected Islamist militants at a restaurant popular with foreigners in the capital of Burkina Faso... READ MORE›
The five Nigeriens killed in the ambush died in its first moments, sources within the special forces community said... READ MORE›
The White House said President Donald Trump was notified about the attack Wednesday night as he flew aboard Air Force One from Las Vegas to Washington... READ MORE›
Sir Andrew Witty, CEO of GSK, said Today's scientific opinion represents a further important step towards making available for young children the world's first malaria vaccine... READ MORE›
Gunmen have attacked a hotel used by Westerners in Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso, taking hostages and reportedly killing at least 20 people... READ MORE›
Homecoming Midafternoon on Sunday, July 16, Donkoh crossed from Burkina Faso to Paga in Ghana's Upper East region... READ MORE›
Conservationists hope second group of 14 scimitar-horned oryx bred in captivity will help repopulate original habitat in Chad... READ MORE›
The sprawling desert north of Agadez, in the west African nation of Niger, is the size of France... READ MORE›
Media reports say three US soldiers and five Nigerien soldiers were killed in the ambush in south-western Niger... READ MORE›
Ctv news french belgian among 5 killed during attack on restaurant in mali 3 hrs ago... READ MORE›
Friday's attacks were in coordination with Somalian government forces, the statement said... READ MORE›
In mid-June, Niger mounted a new military operation in the Tillaberi region to take on the armed groups... READ MORE›
Agadez is a remote town in Niger on the edge of the Sahara desert that has become a major people-smuggling point... READ MORE›
Burkina Faso hotel attack leaves 6 Canadians from Quebec dead... READ MORE›
U.S. officials say they believe extremists linked to the Islamic State group were responsible for the attack about 200 kilometers 120 miles north of Niger's capital, Niamey... READ MORE›
Africa becomes the new battleground for ISIS and al-Qaeda as they lose ground in Mideast... READ MORE›
Burkina faso security forces attack hostage-takers at hotel... READ MORE›
As many as 2,000 migrants leave Agadez weekly, the last big stop before reaching Libya, 620 miles away across the scorching sand... READ MORE›
Chadian troops and Nigerien Special Forces participate in the Flintlock exercises with the U.S. military and its Western partners in Mao, Chad, March 7, 2015... READ MORE›
There is gender discrimination inherent in child marriage, as the practice is more prevalent among girls than boys... READ MORE›
Under Burkina Faso's constitution, the head of the National Assembly should take office if the president resigns... READ MORE›
How is it that Nigeria's military, which has a good record across west Africa, cannot claim back to 14 out of 774 local governorates from Boko Haram?... READ MORE›
Less clear are the circumstances surrounding their deaths Wednesday in an ambush in the Central African country of Niger, and the precise nature of their mission... READ MORE›
A pickup truck filled with migrants in 2015 returns to the city of Agadez after it was turned back at military checkpoints in the Sahara... READ MORE›
The part of Niger where U.S. troops were killed is already awash with deadly skirmishes... READ MORE›
The economy of Eritrea has experienced considerable growth in recent years, explains the website for Australian mining company Danakali... READ MORE›
Andrew Lebovich, a specialist on political and security issues in the region, said the attack in Burkina Faso showed an evolution in the group's tactical ability... READ MORE›
Libyan militia commanders and officials have said many West Africans fought with the Islamic State in Libya before its defeat there... READ MORE›
Many of the extremist groups are affiliates of Al Qaeda, which has had roots in North Africa since the 1990s... READ MORE›
DR Congo Seeks Democracy The Democratic Republic of Congo says it will deport four pro-democracy activists from Senegal and Burkina Faso arrested on Sunday... READ MORE›
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