We thank the community for their support and ask that our privacy is respected as we grieve, the family said... READ MORE›
Police issued a statement from unnamed relatives of the Miles family saying We are devastated by this shocking event... READ MORE›
The loss of any life is tragic, four children and three adults, this is a significant tragedy, he said... READ MORE›
Augusta-Margaret River Shire president Pamela Townsend said the incident had impacted everyone in the area... READ MORE›
Paul Cavanagh describes Wyndham, a remote town in Western Australia's far north, as a friendly little place that at times feels like an oven... READ MORE›
Family of 7 dead in what could be Australia's worst mass shooting in 22 years... READ MORE›
Three generations of one family have been found dead at a rural property near Margaret River in Western Australia... READ MORE›
Four children and three adults have been found dead at a rural property near Margaret River in Western Australia in what police have described as a..... READ MORE›
In a statement earlier this week, police claimed the incident occurred when the teenager collided with the police car... READ MORE›
A 48-year-old man was charged with a NSW arrest warrant for counts of sexual intercourse with a child under 10... READ MORE›
Australian police raid a house in Western Australia in March 2018 during an investigation into child sex abuses... READ MORE›
Supplied Kym Illman Discovered 132 years after it was tossed overboard, it is the oldest-known message in a bottle in the world... READ MORE›
A new era of travel and opportunities for Western Australias economy has officially begun... READ MORE›
Dozens of short-finned pilot whales have died along country's west coast... READ MORE›
The rectangular bottle was discovered half-buried in sand dunes near Wedge Island, some 100 miles 160 kilometers north of Perth, in January... READ MORE›
Perth resident Tonya Illman stumbled upon the bottle half-buried on a beach near Wedge Island in January while picking up rubbish... READ MORE›
A group of four birdwatchers from Broome has photographed Australia's most mysterious bird, the night parrot, in Western Australia... READ MORE›
Mr Georgiou was confirmed as the federal One Nation senator for Western Australia last week... READ MORE›
Fremantle mayor Brad Pettitt said that decision then led to the healing ceremony, which was completely run by Indigenous people... READ MORE›
Ultramarathon runner Turia Pitt, burnt during race in Kimberley, WA, reaches multi-million-dollar settlement... READ MORE›
Kimberley's hidden world of Indigenous rock art revealed by researchers... READ MORE›
Same-sex marriage Asian Australian Alliance backs 'Yes' vote... READ MORE›
Mark McGowan says his election as Western Australia's 30th premier is a victory for the hope and opportunity Labor promises over desperation and division ... READ MORE›
So too are the police officers and health personnel who were 'caring' for Ms Dhu at the time of her death... READ MORE›
We are striking at the top end of drug trafficking before it gets further down the distribution chain, Western Australia Police Commissioner Chris Dawson said... READ MORE›
Pauline Hanson has apologised for her comments earlier this week when she said there was test parents could access to evaluate vaccination safety... READ MORE›
Mr Tincknell chipped in to nominate Albany, Baldivis, Darling Range and Swan Hills... READ MORE›
Using satellite data, officials have concluded that the airliner ended its journey in the Indian Ocean, north-west of the Australian city of Perth... READ MORE›
A one-bedroom, city centre apartment costs the equivalent of 3,881 a month in New York, 2,876 in London and 2,618 in Sydney... READ MORE›
Australian rock art may be among the oldest in the world, according to new research... READ MORE›
Video Australian 'idiot' surfs dead whale as sharks circle... READ MORE›
An Australian teenager has died on her 18th birthday after drinking shots of a 95 percent alcohol strength spirit... READ MORE›
It was a very wet month for western Tasmania and rainfall above average for Victoria, northern Western Australia, and the Gulf of Carpentaria region... READ MORE›
Woman dead in second Australian shark attack in a week... READ MORE›
Most of the micro parties are directing preferences to each other in the state's upper house... READ MORE›
A 17-year-old girl has died after being attacked by a shark in Western Australia... READ MORE›
World-renowned organist Joseph Nolan saw a massive opportunity to make the St George's Cathedral choir world-class... READ MORE›
Historically, Amazon has opened new markets without Prime initially, Jacobson noted... READ MORE›
All the major parties say they believe climate change is occurring, but the average Australian voter thinks they don't agree on anything in this space... READ MORE›
But Mr Muller was never aware of his father's harrowing experience until only a year ago after he began researching his family's history... READ MORE›
Posted November 12, 2017 18 20 41 Nat Fyfe has helped propel Australia to a 10-point triumph against Ireland in Sunday's International Rules Test in Adelaide... READ MORE›
1080 is sodium fluroacetate, which is found in a type of plants called gastrolobium or poison peas that grow in south-west Western Australia... READ MORE›
Senior wildlife officer Rick Dawson said more than 20 of the reptiles were dead by the time they had been discovered by authorities or had since died... READ MORE›
Dana Vulin pictured before the attack and wearing her protective mask After removing the mask, Vulin took to the catwalk at the West Australian Ballet Centre... READ MORE›
An eight-year-old girl has died after crashing her junior drag racing car on a track in Western Australia... READ MORE›
Rio Tinto said developing an alumina refinery on the Mitchell Plateau was always going to be economically challenging... READ MORE›
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