North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, front right, meets South Korean National Security Director Chung Eui-yong, front left, in Pyongyang, North Korea... READ MORE›
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has said he wants to write a new history of national reunification with South Korea, state media says... READ MORE›
The trip is in response to an invitation offered by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's sister for South Korean President Moon Jae-in to visit Pyongyang... READ MORE›
Some South Koreans may view North Koreans as uneducated, uncouth or untrustworthy... READ MORE›
The South's presidential office said on Sunday that members of the North Korean delegation had expressed their openness to talks with the United States... READ MORE›
At the Olympics opening, the North Korean leader's sister, Kim Yo Jong, shared a VIP box with Vice President Mike Pence but the two didn't speak... READ MORE›
While Ivanka Trump was sitting near a North Korean official in the stadium, she had no interaction with the delegation from Pyongyang, an administration official said... READ MORE›
It was the first North Korean attack on a civilian area in South Korea since the end of the 1950-53 Korean War... READ MORE›
It's estimated that as many as half of North Korean households have devices that can be used to view the material stored on the drives... READ MORE›
South Korea's Unification Ministry announced hours later that it had been notified of the details of a North Korean delegation's visit to the same event... READ MORE›
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un sent his younger sister, Kim Yo Jong, as part of the delegation to meet Moon... READ MORE›
Sudden cancellations withdrawals are a well-established part of the North Korean playbook, added Oba, now a speechwriter in Washington... READ MORE›
Despite its reputation as a haven for refugees, Canada has been deporting North Korean asylum seekers who came to the country through South Korea... READ MORE›
Moon has yet to accept the North Korean offer, which was delivered February 10 by Kim's younger sister, Kim Yo Jong... READ MORE›
SEOUL, South Korea -- North Korea has 22 athletes competing in the Winter Olympics in Pyeong chang, a South Korean town only 50 miles from its border... READ MORE›
A fake Kim Jong-un did not impress North Korean cheerleaders when he gatecrashed the unified Korea's ice hockey match with Japan... READ MORE›
Never thought North Korean figure skaters would be this good, said one user on social media platform Disco... READ MORE›
The International Olympics Committee will cover the costs for the 22 North Korean athletes competing in Pyeongchang, ABC News reported... READ MORE›
South Korea approved on Wednesday the use of 2.86 billion won 2.64 million to bankroll the cost of hosting hundreds of visiting North Koreans during... READ MORE›
A bomb planted by North Korean agents detonated on an passenger plane to Seoul, killing all 115 people on board... READ MORE›
North korea holds military parade on eve of olympics... READ MORE›
'Longing for reunification' On the last day, President Moon bade farewell to the North Korean delegation at a North Korean art troupe's music concert in Seoul... READ MORE›
On January 25, 12 North Korean players arrived in the South to join the 23-member South Korean team... READ MORE›
Winter Olympics North and South Korean cheerleaders in culture clash... READ MORE›
U.S. President Donald Trump and the North Korean leadership traded insults as tensions rose... READ MORE›
Murray had little time to integrate 15 North Korean players with South Korean members of the team... READ MORE›
South Korean television showed its smiling president entering a reception room Saturday and shaking hands with the North Koreans... READ MORE›
And Ri, the North Korean taekwondo leader, insists that sport truly breaks barriers... READ MORE›
Pence said the United States and South Korea were closely aligned in their approach to dealing with North Korea... READ MORE›
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has invited the South Korean President Moon Jae-in for a summit in Pyongyang, Seoul said Saturday. The invitation, delivere... READ MORE›
The security sources said the Russian-flagged tanker Vityaz was one vessel that had transferred fuel to North Korean vessels... READ MORE›
North Korea's aggressive missile testing ratcheted up tensions between Pyongyang and Washington... READ MORE›
South Korean media have predicted only up to 10 North Korean athletes will end up being covered by an additional quota from the IOC... READ MORE›
The demonstrators demanded the reopening of the inter-Korean industrial zone in Kaesong, which married North Korean labor with South Korean capital... READ MORE›
, descriptionText South Korea says the vessel transferred oil to a North Korean ship, violating UN sanctions... READ MORE›
The incredible tale of a North Korean soldier's escape across the demilitarized zone last week is no exception... READ MORE›
Those doubts were fanned last month when Japan's Coast Guard discovered a North Korean boat anchored near an island off Hokkaido... READ MORE›
The footage also revealed that one of the North Korean soldiers chasing the defector crossed the border, the U.N... READ MORE›
ANSAN, South Korea -- Few North Koreans have sought South Korean citizenship as long and as doggedly as Kim Seok-cheol... READ MORE›
Four other North Korean soldiers are seen running toward him and stopping to shoot at him... READ MORE›
Extraordinary footage of the recent defection of a North Korean soldier across the border to the South has been released... READ MORE›
The North Korean soldier is still in the hospital but -- after several surgeries -- is making a steady recovery... READ MORE›
North and South Korean players plan to practice separately for several days as Murray needs time to learn about the North Koreans... READ MORE›
One of the North Korean chasers briefly crossed the borderline before turning back in a hurry, another violation of the Korean War armistice, the command said... READ MORE›
The Kim Jong Suk Silk Mill employs a workforce of 1,600 people, and is named after the grandmother of current North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un... READ MORE›
The Japanese Coast Guard last week saved three out of 12 North Korean fishermen after their boat capsized in high seas... READ MORE›
Officials said the Lighthouse Winmore had secretly transferred 600 tonnes of refined oil to a North Korean ship... READ MORE›
Japan detects radio signals pointing to possible North Korea missile test source... READ MORE›
The North's ability to construct viable missile subs is at an early stage... READ MORE›
The North Korean defector was shot and wounded by his fellow soldiers as he dashed into the South Korean side of the Joint Security Area (JSA) last week... READ MORE›
We're closely monitoring the North Korean military's movement in the JSA, a South Korean defense ministry official told reporters, without confirming the reduction in border guards... READ MORE›
Located in the village of Panmunjom, it's a popular tourist attraction for South Koreans... READ MORE›
South Korea is broadcasting news of a North Korean soldier's daring escape on loudspeakers to his former colleagues across the border, South Korean media reported... READ MORE›
The leader stressed that whether inter-Korean ties can be improved totally depends on North and South Korea, Ri said... READ MORE›
A 'ghost ship' washed ashore in Japan, and clues point to North Koreans... READ MORE›
They are expected to be sent back to North Korea via China... READ MORE›
Nov 28 A North Korean fishing boat with 10 crew members was found drifting near an uninhabited island off Matsumae, Hokkaido... READ MORE›
North Koreans in Pyongyang typically mark Mother's Day with flowers and chocolates... READ MORE›
Thousands of South Korean ice hockey fans chanted we are one as the joint Korean women's team played their first pre-Winter Olympics game against powerhouse Sweden... READ MORE›
In South Korean media, it was the North Korean singer, Hyon Song-wol, who stole the show... READ MORE›
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