Mugabe led Zimbabwe from independence in 1980 but stepped down on Tuesday after the army seized power and the ruling party turned against him... READ MORE›
The ruling paves the way for Kenyatta to be sworn in on November 28, bringing to a close what has been a divisive and bloody election process... READ MORE›
The claims against him have been brought by his former assistant, transgender actress Van Barnes, and another transgender actress featured on the show, Trace Lysette... READ MORE›
A clash with France at the newly-opened U Arena in Nanterre outside Paris follows on November 25... READ MORE›
Saturday marked the Miss World pageant's return to Sanya, on southern China's Hainan Island, for a seventh time, where the event was last held in 2015... READ MORE›
Mnangagwa, a former security chief and life-long Mugabe confidant known as The Crocodile who was axed as vice-president earlier this month, is the key player... READ MORE›
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